Matt Dodson
Senior Vice President Workplace & Logistics

Matthew, from Fredericksburg, VA, has a rich 22-year history in the industry. As the Senior VP of Workplace & Logistics at RCS Moving and Storage, he manages customer service, sales, and operations for the Lorton Office. Matthew prides himself on being a hardworking, even-tempered manager. His hobbies include spending time with his wife, three kids, and pet corn snake.

Interesting Fact: Matthew has an OCD-like attention to cleanliness.
Favorite Quote or Motto: “If you want to take the island, then burn your boats. With absolute commitment come the insights that create real victory.” – Tony Robbins
Notable Achievement: Voted Most Friendly in High School Senior Year.
Superpower Wish: To be Spiderman and "fly" between high rises.
Movie Character Identification: Mike Lowrey from the Bad Boys movie franchise.
Unusual Talent: Can fall asleep anywhere if needed.
Additional Note: Wants "to make moving fun again!"

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